Sunday, April 17, 2016

A revolutionary game

Ah, video games. I (usually)love your....everything! But when it gets right down to it, it's because of LoZ that I love video games so much. Not only that it is the game that got me loving video game, but also that some of the things that make us love games or just not rage quit are because of Zelda. The Legend of Zelda was the very first game to EVER have save files!The very first game where you could save your progress! Right now, I want you just to think about all the games you know of that have save files. Just about all the RPG games you can get your hands on have save files all because of Zelda! Not only was Zelda the first game to have save files, but it created a brand new idea for video games everywhere: exploration. The very first Zelda game was inspired by Miyamoto's childhood and how he'd go out exploring a lot. It was the game to introduce the idea of searching around and wandering the world! No, the map of The Legend of Zelda certainly is small compared to other game's vast reaches, but if Miyamoto hadn't taken the risk of making a game with big new ideas, then there probably wouldn't be other games that are based off of exploration. Miyamoto also introduced beautiful music into his games that carried on to almost every modern video game.

In a nutshell, Miyamoto made such a big, revolutionary risk that allowed countless other video games to be fun.