Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Imprisoned

With giant black scales, rows of sharp teeth, long orangutan arms, and even a strange set of circular wings, any Skyward Sword fan knows of the dreaded Imprisoned. The monster locked in the Sealed Grounds brings most players to their demise * wink wink*. Of all the people I have asked, no one has really enjoyed all three battles with The Imprisoned, and clearly so. It's awfully tedious to slash away at his gross toes until he falls over in the first battle, but nothing compared to the agony of the second battle. With mammoth arms, it's impossible to walk around him, so one must jump down to the lower level then go back up the air vent things. If your luck is at all like mine, he'll already be standing up and on his way even before reaching the air vent, but is that the only way to beat him?

 You've probably already figured out the trick, but I'll say it anyway. In the second (or even first) battle with The Imprisoned, run ahead of him and go up the nearest air vent(careful you don't run out of stamina or he'll run you over.) Now, have Groose launch a bomb at him(you can not do this in the first battle) now The Imprisoned will stand still. Jump on his head and hit the stake into his head. Keep doing that until he dies.

After you go back up to Skyloft and fight Levias, it's right back to The Imprisoned. (again Nintendo?!) Well, time to fight The Imprisoned a third time, there's no avoiding it. Just do the same thing as you did in the second battle. And he's down! Wait, what's this? He has-- what are those? Oh, they're wings. 'Cause nothing screams wings like a magical circle hovering over a beast's back, huh? Oh well, we'll go with it. Now he flies! Shoot him down with the Groosinator and hit the stake into his head. He start flying again and Groose just happens to not be able to access his bombs. Go up to the track as fast as you possibly can and get launched on to The Imprisoned's back!(that, of course, is the only way to defeat him) Hit the stake in, and all is well!

You know, with this method of defeating The Imprisoned, I might just have had fun! Comment if you beat the Imprisoned like this or some other way. Did you actually enjoy the fights? If so, would you do it again for fun?


  1. I'm interested in hearing from you about what makes a video game for interesting - it seems to me that too many games involve tedious and repetitive fighting mechanisms.

    1. I agree! In Skyward Sword, there are two bosses you fight three times( The Imprisoned and Ghirihim) and one boss that is fought two times!
